What Are Some Good Resources to Learn React Native? - Redvike
15 December 2020

What Are Some Good Resources to Learn React Native?

15 December 2020

What Are Some Good Resources to Learn React Native?


Julianna Sykutera
Julianna Sykutera
Content Writer
15 December 2020

What Are Some Good Resources to Learn React Native?


Julianna Sykutera
Julianna Sykutera
Content Writer

React technology is literally the heart of our company. Since the beginning, we’ve been creating web and mobile applications this way as we value scalable and modern solutions. Knowing the framework inside out today we share some good resources to learn React Native. Enjoy! 

React Native breaks records. The JavaScript framework has not only gained recognition among all developers by being on the top of the favorite cross-platform technologies but also more and more often takes a significant place in the tech stack of global brands. Thanks to its innovative features, it’s superior in comparison to competitive technologies and its rapid development ensures high demand for specialists in the market. 

1.  The official documentation 

If you ask a developer how to learn something there are high chances you get a response “read the documentation”. We recommend that too as the best way to understand how something works is to study its functionality and logic behind it. Fortunately, React Native has its documentation written in a simple and accessible language. 

You can find it here: https://reactnative.dev/docs/getting-started 

2. Courses & Workshops 

The most obvious point on the list are all kinds of online workshops where you can learn coding following a crash course. There are plenty of courses on Udemy offering React-based lessons. Among all the availble tutorials we picked up a few that we think are useful: 

The Complete React Native and Hooks Course. Here it’s a 2020 edition but sooner or later there will be a new one for the upcoming year. This course will help you understand the fundamentals of React, the terminology, concepts of Redux but also it will teach you how to quickly build a prototype and deploy your own applications to the Apple and Google Play Stores.

Build Full-stack React Native Apps with Express.js Backend. This one is more practical as at the end of this course you will know how to build 4 apps using Redux, React Navigation, MongoDB, Node/Express. The workshop is more on a medium level so it’s not the best choice for beginners but on the orher hand, if you learn better through practice, go ahead! 

React Native: Advanced Concepts. When you finish the two previous courses, you can start with something more advanced. In this course you will learn how to build React Native apps with Expo, create eye-catching animations, use expert-level features of the framework, use React navigation to the full, add logic to your Firebase backend with Google Cloud Functions, engage users with Push Notificatiosn and use Redux Persist.  

3. Books 

When it comes to literature, a good complement to online courses will be a book called FullStack: React Native. It’s a complete guide to React Native that covers everything from components to the deployment. For sure it will give a meaning to all the stuff you’ve learned so far during online workshops. Another great reading is Pete Hunt’s tutorial about ReactJS – Thinking in React. It’s more for the better understanding of React logic and the components machinery. 

4. Our React Articles 

Don’t forget to check our blog where we often publish useful content about React and React Native. Here are some of the posts you may find useful: 

Pure component in React 

Build your own Redux

What’s new in React 16.6 and 16.7 

Building Xbox App with React  

Fingers crossed!

Regardless of whether you are a React geek or a beginner, the resources will help you get through the basics of the framework and end the journey with some solid practical experience. We hope you will get use of our knowledge base as well 🙂 Good luck! 

You can also read:

React Native vs Xamarin 

What is React Native used for? 

Top 5 companies using React Native

React Native

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