Top 5 e-learning trends which you should follow - Redvike
13 July 2020

Top 5 e-learning trends which you should follow

13 July 2020

Top 5 e-learning trends which you should follow


Julianna Sykutera
Julianna Sykutera
Content Writer
13 July 2020

Top 5 e-learning trends which you should follow


Julianna Sykutera
Julianna Sykutera
Content Writer

With the development of the Internet and mobile devices, e-learning became a huge branch of education. Its global market is expected to grow beyond $398 billion by 2026. Nowadays, e-learning is adopted in many academic facilities and workplaces, providing people with a flexible, cost-effective, and time-saving way to acquire knowledge. The list of its benefits is long but in order to get profit from all of them, companies should get familiar with the list of top 5 e-learning trends to follow. 

1. Big data and analytics will make you see more 

The ability to see an overview of students’ performance and experience is something valuable that helps improve the learning platform and teaching methods. We can see more systems to incorporate or connect to analytics in order to track the behavior of platform users. Thanks to analytics and big data companies have more options to personalize the learning process and make it more effective. To better understand the concept of learning analytics here’s a short explanatory video.

2. VR and augmented reality will revolutionize your learning experience

One of the immersive technologies that are being adopted in the e-learning industry is VR/AR. To make content more captivating and increase engagement among users, e-learning platforms transfer to virtual reality. The technology augments the existing e-learning training with the use of 360-degree photography and real-life interactions. The experience is remarkable and allows for a better understanding of a given subject or area. VR environment combines features that bridge the gap between theory and real application. One of the existing e-learning tools based on the technology is Plexus VR/AR gloves that enable users to actually feel the objects they study. 

3. User-generated content will make things clear and simple

Another point on the list of top 5 e-learning trends is user-generated content (UGC). It is content created and delivered by learners in the form of videos, blog posts, ebooks, tutorials, and many other forms. It’s supposed to make a given concept more clear to other students and elaborate more on topics that aren’t well-explained in the curriculum. The method is so effective because it’s authentic. Students are more likely to learn from the experience of other peers. What’s more, the e-learning technique is cost-effective and promotes knowledge sharing. 

4. Mobile learning platforms will provide the convenience and flexibility 

Online learning mobile platforms are something we can’t forget about when discussing the best e-learning trends to follow. As we constantly see the increase in mobile usage, e-learning companies should make their platforms accessible also on mobile devices. The ability to learn anywhere, anytime is the level of convenience and flexibility we should provide with. What’s more, this so-called mLearning – mobile learning, may prove to be more effective and comfortable. Think about a mLearning native app that doesn’t even require the Internet connection to be used. 

5. AI and Voice user interfaces (VUIs) will ensure 24/7 communication 

More e-learning platforms will use the voice commands system to allow users to ask questions and receive help whenever they need it. Researching facts using just voice without the need to enter things into the Internet browser is for sure helpful and will benefit students with concentration problems. It’s so much easier to interact with a product when you can freely ask questions and always receive an answer. 

We can expect more AI-powered solutions to enter the market. AI enhances the personalized experience as it collects data about users and can provide them with tutors matching their learning methods and behavior. This way the tutor is not only suitable for a given user but also is always available to help them with learning. 

To summarize

The above top 5 e-learning trends are most likely to empower the industry in 2021. We already notice some early adoptions of previously mentioned techniques and it all aims at creating personalized, accessible, and captivating e-learning content. If you want to deliver a remarkable experience, adjust your company’s strategy to current trends, and use the full potential of analytics to improve what you’ve already had.


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